

To create images and write text for your A+ Content, you must abide by these rules. Review the following list carefully, as Amazon has certain terms and restrictions regarding the kinds of content that might not be permitted. By breaking these rules, you risk being rejected by their system, having your ASIN removed, or both.

For the text and photos, you must possess all required rights. Their existing Content Guidelines also apply.

Content Issues

Check these typical rejection factors before submitting to be sure the Amazon system won't reject your material.

Pricing or promotional details:

Do not include pricing, promotional information, discounts, affordable, free or wording urging customers to make a purchase, such as "buy now," "add to cart," "get yours now," or "shop with us”.

Customer reviews:

Customer testimonials are not permitted in A+ Content. Check Amazon Author Central to create an Author Page and submit more details about your book in order to add Editorial Reviews to your books.

Time-sensitive information:

Avoid using time-sensitive words like now, new, newest, yet, on sale now, the latest goods, the best yet, or references to holidays. This also mentions Kindle Unlimited.

Publication quotes:

There can be a total of four quotes or recommendations. Only quotations from well-known authors or prominent personalities should be used, and they must be accompanied by the author's name and if citing a publication, the title. 

If you get a rejection, follow the instructions to fix the problem before re-submitting your A+ Content.

Formatting Images and Text

Supported image file types include: 

The RGB colorspace picture file types that are supported are jpg and png. The CYMK colorspace is not supported. Each file must not exceed 2 MB. A minimum of 72 dpi is required for resolution. It is not permitted to utilize animated pictures, such as GIFs.


It is not allowed to utilize photos that are pixelated, unclear, or include watermarks or tiny, illegible text when displayed on mobile devices.

Content can be rejected if the image alt-text, formerly known as image keywords, does not describe the image and is not relevant to a user of a screen reader application.

Unique to A+:

Avoid using the identical pictures that are already published in the page's image gallery. A+ Content aims to highlight special features of the product.

Logos & Icons:

Only use icons to aid customers in navigating through the content, and only use one brand logo. Logos from affiliated companies are not usually required to be used, only if it makes sense or is advantageous. To utilize trademark logos or symbols, you must possess all necessary rights.

Text & Grammar:

Each main word in a header should be capitalized, all numbers less than 10 should be written out, and all punctuation should be consistent. Content can be rejected if it has grammatical, punctuation, spelling, or other mistakes. It can also be rejected if it uses all caps repeatedly, abuses font features, or contains too much or useless material. Only headings or a small number of keywords should be highlighted using bold and italic formatting. HTML tags and text written in languages other than the one designated in the content are prohibited.

Overview of Content Restrictions

  • Guarantee information, including mentions of return or refund policies from sources other than Amazon, is strictly prohibited in A+ Content.
  • A+ pages shouldn't contain any shipping information (such as "free shipping"), QR codes, or private details like phone numbers, addresses, or email addresses.
  • In A+ content, no references to specific people, clients, or other private figures may be made through quotes or other attributions. There is a cap of four quotes or endorsements that must be accompanied by the author's name and, if mentioning a publication, the publication's title. These must only come from reputable sources.
  • Regardless of how competitors are referenced (for instance, using specific names, being referred to as "other(s)," or in another way), do not compare or make references to their products. Not discussing competitors is the goal of this content, which also serves to strengthen the brand and provide more information about the product.
  • Comparison tables may only compare to other books in your KDP account not your competitors books/products.
  • Don't mention prices, discounts, special offers, or words like "affordable," "cheap," "bonus," or "free," or phrases encouraging customers to make purchases like "buy immediately," "add to basket," "get yours now," or "shop with us."
  • Avoid using words like "now," "new," "latest," "yet," "on sale now," "the latest product," "the best yet," and references to holidays.
  • Trademarks and copyright symbols that are of a suitable size, already present on product packaging, consistently presented as a part of the logo, or both are permissible. Otherwise, stand-alone symbols are never permitted. Symbols for trademarks or copyrights must be removed from text.
  • It is not permitted to use words or links that attempt to drive users to other websites on or off of Amazon (including those that feature your other products).
  • Material that Amazon believes to be hate speech, encourages child exploitation or abuse, is pornographic, glorifies rape or pedophilia, supports terrorism, or is otherwise improper or offensive will not be allowed.
  • References to customer service or contact details from sources other than Amazon are not allowed (for example, "contact us if you have problems," phone numbers, contact email).
  • It is forbidden to use language or images that resemble Amazon logos, detail page titles, or approved details. References to products or programs that are sponsored by Amazon are OK.
  • Any violations to the KDP Terms and Conditions and Content Guidelines are prohibited.

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