

Guidelines for A+ Content

With A+ Content you can add more details about your book on your Amazon detail page. This will help you engage your readers and help them understand more about your book. You can create A+ Content by adding images, text, comparison tables and more.

To find where to add A+ Content, go to the menu bar and select Marketing, this will take you to all your Marketing Resources where you will find A+ Content. 

Select which region you would like to add your A+ Content. 

Published KDP books have access to A+ Content. Add your book ASIN to select the book you wish to create A+ Content for. To add A+ Content to detail pages with varied formats, you can create one A+ Content project and apply numerous book ASINs to it.

Your next step is to layout and submit your material using the A+ Content Manager. A+ Content allows you to construct a layout by selecting from a variety of modules. After adding modules to your layout, you can rearrange them, remove them, add photos, and modify the text.

Image inclusion in your A+ Content can be done in a variety of ways. Using the Standard Image & Text Overlay module is one method of including a number of photos in your A+ Content project. You can incorporate full-size photographs instead of the text overlay if you want. Standard Company Logo is a smaller module than the others and can only be used once per project. By looking at our A+ Content samples, you may discover more about modules and see various image usages. The majority of readers will need to scroll down to see this A+ content on your book detail page.

For each marketplace where you want your A+ Content to appear, it must be written and published. These marketplaces accept A+ Content published from kdp.amazon.com: Amazon.ca, Amazon.com, Amazon.com.au, Amazon.com.br, Amazon.com.mx, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.es, Amazon.fr, Amazon.in, Amazon.it, Amazon.nl, Amazon.pl, Amazon.se

You can publish A+ Content on Amazon.co.jp using the kdp.amazon.co.jp website. Each market has a different set of languages in which A+ Content can be published. If your book is available in more than one marketplace, Amazon KDP will locate those that support the language of your A+ content after it has been published and replicate a draft of that content into the relevant marketplaces where your book is live. According to the reader's preferred language, A+ Content will be displayed. For instance, if you post A+ Content in Spanish on Amazon.com, only customers who have Spanish as their preferred language on Amazon.com will be able to access the content.

You will not be able to add A+ content to your book’s detail page before your book is live. Only once your book is live will you be able to add this. 

A+ content is not allowed to contain any quotes or attributions to specific people, clients, or other private figures. There is a four-quote limit, and all quotes and endorsements must be accompanied by the source, the publication's name, or both if they come from well-known sources.

Once you have published your A+ Content, and it complies with all the guidelines (see all A+ Content guidelines), it will appear live within eight business days. You will receive an email with more information if modifications to your content are necessary.

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