KDP BSR Sales Calculator

By Self Publishing Titans

Select Country:

Enter BSR (Best Seller Rank)

Estimated Sales per Month: 0

Estimated Sales per Day: 0

Royalty Estimates

Book Type:


Interior Type:

Number of Pages

Min Pages: 24 - Max Pages: 828

Book Price

Min Price: 0 USD - Max Price: 250 USD

Book Royalty:


Standard Royalty Profit: 60%

Printing Cost:


Expanded Distribution Royalty:


Expanded Distribution Royalty Profit: 40%

Standard Minimum List price:


Expanded Distribution Minimum List price:


ACOS Breakeven:


Total Book Royalty as Sold:


Standard Royalty Profit: 60%

Total Book Expanded Royalty as Sold:


Expanded Distribution Royalty Profit: 40%

How to use Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Book Sales Calculator:

Using my book sales calculator is really simple and easy. 1) Get the best seller rank of the book you want to see a sales estimate for and enter in into the BSR field. 2) Then select the Amazon country. By default it will be on Amazon USA. 3) Click on Calculate Sales button to get the sales estimate.

4 Reasons for Using the KDP Book Sales Calculator:
  1. To estimate how much a book is selling in a niche you are thinking about publishing in

  2. To see what the average book sales are in a niche

  3. To see how many books your competitor is selling

  4. To see how many book sales you have to beat in order to outsell and outrank your competitors when you are launching your new book.

How to find the Amazon Best Sellers Rank

Go to the book product page on Amazon and scroll down to the bottom until you see this section (as shown in screenshot below). This section is near the bottom, just above the About Author section and the Reviews.


Note: The Best Seller Rank (BSR) changes throughout each day, week, month. It can change as frequently as every few hours. If during the last time period it got more sales than other books, your sales rank will go up, if it got less compared to others, it will go down. The BSR sales calculator will estimate based on the current (right now) sales rank. So sales could be a bit higher or lower on average on a longer term basis.

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  1. My YouTube Channel for KDP Tutorials - Sharing everything I know about KDP

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  3. Search Suggestion Expander - Find more Amazon Suggestions and Search Terms

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